Are you considering getting your breast implants removed? Not sure on where to start?
Unfortunately, surgery may not always go to plan. There are many ways in which a breast augmentation can meet complications. For many when met with these complications, the idea of yet another breast surgery can be too much. Therefore, the decision to remove the breast implants may be considered.
Although it can provide an easier alternative to reinserting implants there are many things to consider when looking at breast implant removal.
We pride ourselves on educating patients to the highest level so that they not only know all of their available options but so that they are armed with the knowledge to make the correct decision.
There are many reasons a patient may be considering getting their breast implants removed such as:
- Bleeding
- Infection
- Adverse Capsular Contracture
- Changes of feeling to the breast
- Being able to see the implant under the skin
- Implant Failure
- Change of heart
- Ageing of the implant and outcome
- Rotation or movement of the implant
- Swelling
- Rejection
If you are considering having your implants removed or have any questions, then please do get into contact with our team for advice and support on the process. We can put you in touch with the correct specialists.
Contact us Breast Surgery Advisory for more information and advice!
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